MORley Oral HiStORieS
One of our most treasured collections pertaining to Christopher Morley are oral history interviews which were conducted in the 1970s by former Bryant Library librarians Helen Glannon and Marion Altman with his friends, neighbors, professional acquaintances, and his daughter, author Louise Morley Cochrane.
The interviews corroborate the enthusiasm for life so often described when discussing Morley, sharing amusing anecdotes and events from his life in Roslyn. Listening to these first-hand accounts of Morley from those who knew him personally provide insight into his various idiosyncrasies, his love for the Roslyn area, and his dedication to fatherhood.
Digitized in 2018 through a grant obtained by our archivist, Carol Clarke, the interviews amass a substantial volume of audio files from which we have made careful selections for your enjoyment.